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Savi Lightsaber Builder

When you're planning a trip to Savi's Workshop to build your own lightsaber, it can be pretty overwhelming to decide which theme and parts will make you happiest. It helps to have a general idea of what you're looking for before you go.

This Savi Builder is an imperfect but useful tool to help you get a general idea what certain combinations might look like before you built the real thing.

Preview Your Savi Build
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Top Sleeve


Bottom Sleeve

Lightsaber Guide Books
Lightsaber Collection 2: High Republic
Lightsaber Collection 1: Original Series, Prequels, Sequels, Rebels
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If you find value in this tool, please subscribe to the YouTube channel. It helps a ton. Thanks!


PJ Peace & Justice
PC Power & Control
PD Protection & Defense
EN: Elemental Nature
V1: Retired 2023
V2: Currently Available

Book Your Build at Galaxy's Edge

Savi sabers are nice. But the experience of building one yourself at the Disney parks is unforgettable!

$220 - Disneyland (California)

$250 - Disney World (Florida)

Limitations / Credits

I'm aware that the images in the Savi Builder do not always line up properly. It was built using a photo of all the saber sets in one shot, so the camera angle is slightly different for each set.

To correct this, I would need all 8 complete sets to do a more controlled photo shoot, to make sure the angles, alignment, and lighting are all consistent, and then re-cut all the images from there. If anyone wants to loan me all these sets, I'll gladly upgrade it!

And a huge thank you to netWARIOR on the Galaxy's Edge Discord for use of the photo that these images are taken from!